The Sciences and Environment Graduate Program (PPGCMA), created in 2012 and linked to the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences of UFPA, aims to train professionals capable of acting in the academic area, exercising the master's degree and also in other segments within the society, such as public bodies and private entities that work with issues related to the environment.

The curriculum structure of the PPGCMA approaches topics that bring basic concepts about environmental management, environmental law, biodiversity, alternative energies, reuse, water and soil resources, among others. The Program is organized into two Research Lines: Conservation and Social Construction of the Environment; and Integration in Sciences and Environment.

The disciplines are experienced in a theoretical and practical way, so that students participate in technical visits to research institutes and companies of the state in order to experience experiences related to industrial processes, methods of analysis, among other situations that allow the development of their creativity and their abilities to deal with questions about the interaction between industry and the environment.